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WARNING – Fraudulent Use of the Official Logo and/or Name of the Centre for Energy Investment and Innovation (CEII)

The official logo and/or name of the Centre for Energy Investment and Innovation (CEII) are duly protected trademarks under relevant international conventions and national laws. Despite this protection, it has come to our attention that the CEII emblem and official name are being unlawfully used by fraudulent organizations, entities, agencies, and individuals for marketing, financial, investment, and other business activities. These unauthorized parties falsely allege formal or informal links or agency relationships with CEII to gain credibility and mislead the public.

BE WARNED that CEII is in no way linked to any such fraudulent organizations, businesses, entities, or individuals. We urge the public to exercise utmost caution and due diligence when encountering communications or offers purporting to be associated with CEII. Any legitimate engagement or relationship with CEII can only be established through clearly defined and widely publicized official channels by directly contacting the CEII at our headquarters or through our official website.

Recognizing Fraudulent Activity

Fraudulent entities often use sophisticated methods to deceive individuals and businesses, including but not limited to:

  • Unauthorized Use of CEII’s Logo and Name: Mimicking official branding to appear legitimate.
  • Fake Websites and Email Addresses: Creating websites and email domains that resemble official CEII channels.
  • False Claims of Association: Asserting nonexistent partnerships or endorsements by CEII.
  • Scams and Phishing Attempts: Soliciting sensitive information or money under the guise of official CEII business.

Protecting Yourself

To safeguard against fraud, please consider the following:

  • Verify Communications: Always confirm the authenticity of communications claiming to be from CEII by cross-referencing contact details provided on our official website.
  • Beware of Unsolicited Offers: Be skeptical of unsolicited offers or invitations that claim to be from or associated with CEII.
  • Report Suspicious Activity: If you encounter any suspicious communications or activities that misuse CEII’s name or logo, please report them immediately to our official contact points.

Official Channels of Communication

Anyone wishing to establish a formal relationship with CEII or seeking to verify the legitimacy of a purported link should do so via clearly established and widely publicized official channels. You can reach us directly at:

Centre for Energy Investment and Innovation

Our official website is:

CEII’s Stance on Liability

CEII accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any damages arising from the unauthorized use of our name or logo. This includes, without limitation, damages for loss of personal income, savings, business, or profits, whether direct, consequential, or incidental, resulting from actions, decisions, or steps taken based on material or information contained in any fraudulent websites, advertisements, emails, or other forms of correspondence that falsely purport to involve CEII.

Legal Actions

CEII actively pursues legal action against any parties involved in the unauthorized use of our trademarks and intellectual property. We work closely with legal authorities and cybersecurity experts to identify and prosecute offenders to the fullest extent of the law.

Stay Informed

We encourage our stakeholders, partners, and the general public to stay informed about the latest updates and warnings regarding fraudulent activities. Regular updates and alerts will be posted on our official website and through our verified communication channels.

By staying vigilant and informed, you help protect the integrity of CEII and the broader community we serve.

For further inquiries or to report suspicious activities, please contact us at:

Centre for Energy Investment and Innovation

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.